On a case-by-case basis, I work with selected cooperation partners.

Silvia Zeisig

Silvia Zeisig holds a degree in economics with an honors-level. Her focus was on corporate management and organization, production and logistics. After studying in Hanover, she worked as a research assistant at the University of Braunschweig in the field of business organization before becoming project manager at Multimedia Kontor Hamburg (consulting for Hamburg universities), where she advised on the digitalization of new study requirements (Bologna) and the implementation of cross-university study information systems. At Deutsche Bank Bauspar AG in Frankfurt am Main, she managed projects in the context of the digitization of order processing (Wohnriester). Furthermore, she supported the company in strategic system decisions and potential leadership development (leadership and collaboration). Since 2021, she has been a consultant at Game Changing Partner. In teamwork, she pays attention to achieving results and structure on the one hand, but also values humor and fun in collaboration. Her favorite work roles are playmaker (structuring organizations, designing processes, developing people and methods), analyst (human resources and business development, e.g. cost/benefit or make or buy analyses), and facilitator & trainer (trainings, workshops). She is the wife of Michael Zeisig and lives with him and their three children in Hamburg's Alstertal. She is interested in architecture & design and volunteers in the areas of sports, school and MeetUp.

#imSpielbleiben I Kooperationspartner, Coach und Kommunikationsexperte Dr. Kai Kochmann

Dr. Kai Kochmann

Kai Kochmann, PhD. MD., has completed his studies of Medicine and Roman Languages in Duesseldorf, Nantes (France) and Montréal (Canada) and Post-Graduate Studies in Marketing Communication in Cologne. After having worked as ward doctor in Internal Medicine he changed his professional focus and was with Ogilvy & Mather Advertising as Account Director and with Bertelsmann AG as Marketing Project-Coordinator before he joined Lucas Group/The Wall Street Magazine as Senior Executive Partner in their European Executive Search Office in Berlin. He then completed additional trainings in Transactional Analyses and Systemic Coaching at artop/Humboldt University Berlin. Since 1999 he has been working as Trainer and Coach for various industry leaders and executives. In 2007 he founded Reflacta, a company specialized in Intercultural Management Development and Change Management. In 2017 he co-founded Polithos Berlin GmbH with Peter Wolff. He is fluent in English, French and German. Kai lives with his family in Berlin.

Learn more about Reflacta here
Learn more about Polithos here